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Thank you to those who have donated

A huge thankyou to the following people who have kindly donated towards our mat fund:

Gill Leicester- £25.00

Kay Parker- £10.00

Chris Dowling- £20.00

Tracy Gallier- £20.00

Kai Grange- £10.00

Corey Grange- £10.00

Debbie Clegg- £10.00

Nathan Cheeseborough- £3.00

Tracy Cheeseborough- £10.00

Gracie Rooner

Scott & Lisa Bagshaw- £20.00

Tracie Redshaw- £10.00

Pauline - £10.00

Gracie Rooney- £30.00

Josh Rooney- £30.00

Ethan Whitely-Bollard- £1.00

Chris Dowling- £19.00 raised from donations

And an extra special thankyou to John Barry who did a sponsored silence at work and managed to raise a total of £400!!!

We now have our matted dojo and we couldn’t have done it without all your help and those who have donated previously, so thankyou again.

Big thankyou from

Team Cobra Kan

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