SPORTS DAY 4TH September 2022
Well done to Sensei Jessica Shipman & her Team Anaconda, the winners of our Annual Sports Day

What a great way for the children to end their 6 week holidays, having so much fun with fellow students and their parents. It was a great day had by all, did not realise how competitive you Cobra parents are. Excellent team spirit by all.
A big thanks to Sensei Jessica Shipman & Sensei Jamie for organising all the games. A much needed thanks to Sensei Shelly & Nanna Sue who organised all the food for us. Thanks to Collette & Daisie Hall for making the sandwiches, to Carla Wallis for cooking the sausage rolls, to Amy Teggart for cooking the chicken nuggets. If I have missed anyone I am sorry, let me know and I will amend.
Better thank everyone who filled approximately 3000 water balloons to
Team's Python, Rattlesnakes & Vipers, you will get them next year